The Power of Human Intention: A Basic Scientific Perspective
For over 35 years, Dr. William A. Tiller conducted traditional scientific research and teaching at Stanford University while simultaneously exploring the effects of human intention on material properties and physical reality. He and his colleagues made a fascinating discovery: it is possible to significantly alter the properties of a physical substance simply through a clear and focused intention. One of their most striking experiments involved changing the pH balance of water. |
Through directed intention, they repeatedly shifted the acid-alkaline balance both upward and downward, demonstrating that intention alone can influence matter. Even more groundbreaking, they discovered a method to store human intention within a simple electronic device. This “intention host device” (IHD) allows the same experiments to be conducted remotely. By imprinting the device with a specific intention and sending it to a distant location, researchers at that remote site could activate the device and achieve the same results. This experiment was conducted at ten different locations across the U.S. and Europe, consistently producing repeatable results. How is this possible, in our normal physical reality, and still within the framework of traditional physics? |
Two Levels of Physical Reality
Dr. Tiller’s research suggests that physical reality consists of two distinct levels, not just one. The familiar level—the one experienced daily—is the electric atom-molecule level. However, a second, more subtle level of reality has been identified as a magnetic information wave level that functions in the physical vacuum. This second level can be influenced by human intention. |
Research suggests that these two levels coexist and interpenetrate one another, but under normal conditions, they do not interact. Dr. Tiller referred to this state as the uncoupled state of physical reality. However, with the use of an IHD, a shift occurs into a coupled state, where these two levels begin to interact with each other. |
To illustrate this metaphorically, imagine black spheres representing the electric atom-molecule substance of the familiar level of reality. These molecules are interconnected, as shown by the black lines, to illustrate that they are interacting with each other. Additionally, there are smaller white spheres representing a category of substance at the magnetic information wave level. This substance appears to function throughout the physical space but is normally separate and not connected. There are no line connecting the white balls with the black balls to represent that they are not interacting. This is what Dr. Tiller called an uncoupled state, where the two levels of physical reality do not interact. |
When an IHD is activated to change the space to the coupled state of physical reality, dashed lines appear between the black and white spheres, indicating that they have begun to interact. This represents the transition to the coupled state of physical reality. The IHD does three things. It activates the indwelling consciousness of a space, lifts the space to a higher symmetry state and is tuned to a specific intention. All of Dr. Tiller’s experiments were done in the coupled state which is the necessary precursor to change a material property through the tuning of a particular intention. |
Measuring the Unseen
Traditional scientific instruments can measure only the familiar, uncoupled state, in order to detect our environment and measure magnitudes of various things. In that state, this second level of reality is not sensed, and traditional measurement instruments cannot see or measure anything about that level of reality. |
However, when an IHD is used to shift to the coupled state, these instruments can begin to detect and measure the physics of this second level of reality. This breakthrough opens new doors for science, technology, education, and even business. The implications for the world are vast. |
The Future: Harnessing Intention for Human Potential
One of the most exciting applications of this research would be the development of a biofeedback device that could measure an individual’s ability to intend. Similar to physical exercise strengthening the body, this device would allow individuals to strengthen their intentional focus. Users would be able to observe a meter displaying their level of intention and train themselves to enhance this ability. Such advancements could revolutionize various fields, from music and art to sports, science, and education. |
Ultimately, Dr. Tiller’s work suggests a profound truth: what an individual strongly and consistently intends for themselves is what they eventually become. |