Hero: Dr Peter Hanfileti

Dr. Peter Hanfileti is a Canadian Pediatrician who uses an energy based therapy called BodyTalk to get to the root issue of what is making the child uncomfortable. He has written a book called Energy Medicine Principles for Parents to help parents understand the new energy medicine paradigm. https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/drpete The book offers lots of practical…


Eye Health

Your eyes are a window to your soul and your emotional and physical health. Dr Jerry Tennant in his book Healing is Voltage reveals “those with macular disease of the eye have low voltage in the stomach meridian. Inflammation of the iris is associated with low voltage in the Triple Burner and Pericardium meridians. Glaucoma…


Hero: Caroline Myss

The quality of your life depends on the questions you ask. No one taught me this as a child, I had to fumble around and discover it for myself. Fortunately, for me, while fumbling around I came across Anatomy of the Spirit and Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can. These two books answered…


Krishnamurti on Beauty and Humility

We are becoming more and more artificial, more and more superficial, more and more verbal, moving in a linear direction. Not vertical at all, but linear. And so artificial things become more important – theatres, cinemas, the whole business of the modern world. And very few have the sense of beauty in themselves, beauty in…


Notre ADN et Nous

La Biophysique:   La première expérience était menée par un physicien russe Wladimir Popenon en début 1990. Il est venu aux USA finir une série d’expériences. Il a basé ses recherches sur le rapport entre l’ADN humain et ce dont est fait notre monde: les petits paquets d’énergie que nous nommons « photons » (des…


Heroes: Dr Hew Len et Morrnah Simeona

Je suis désolé, S’il-te-plaît pardonne-moi, Je t’aime, Merci. Toujours dans le but de nous débarrasser de tout ce qui nous empêche de vivre une vie harmonieuse, voici une méthode simplissime pour nettoyer nos blocages. Le Ho’oponopono, plus difficile à orthographier qu’à apprendre je vous rassure, est issu d’une tradition hawaïenne de guérison. Le livre de…


Various Resources – English

BIBLIOGRAPHY   *        VIDEOS        *     WEBSITES This page is dedicated to the men and women of science who dare to speak truth about subtle energy.  I explore consciousness, healing and communication with the environment.  I’m all about empowering the next generation to have all the tools necessary to create…


Alzheimer’s and Geology research

    Alzheimer’s Disease Project by Dr. Wayne London Executive Summary The purpose of the Alzheimer’s Disease Project is to put forth the idea that physical characteristics of place – geography and geology – are relevant in Alzheimer’s disease, and to stimulate research in this area. This webpage is in four sections: The first section…
